Empowering Better Choices in Highway Safety Messaging

Greta Anglin, BS, Journalism - Public Relations, VI Marketing and Branding, Oklahoma City, OK


The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO) is a state agency that works to create and maintain an environment where Oklahoma roadways are safe for everyone. The OHSO works to prevent risky driving behaviors in areas such as impaired driving, distracted driving, occupant protection and motorcycle safety. There were 613 fatal crashes in the state of Oklahoma in 2017, which was down from 628 in 2016. By raising awareness around how even a split second of inattention or one beer can lead to a life-changing event, we are able to get drivers to think twice before taking a risky behavior.

Program background:

One of the deadliest, and in turn, largest areas of focus for the OHSO is impaired driving. Many people have the perception that even when they are buzzed they are still capable of operating a vehicle safely. Then, past that point, the more impaired they become, the lower their inhibitions are, and their decision-making skills are out the window. Uber’s Rideshare service has been a go-to for people to get home safely after a night on the town. We realized many people will defer to driving because they don’t want to pay the Uber fare, or they don’t want to leave their car behind. Knowing this, during multiple campaigns based around holidays that involve heavy drinking, we have provided a form using Uber Events to our target audience. They can sign-up for a $10 Uber code to use the days leading up to and on the holiday. Our most recent campaign where we used Uber codes was for New Year’s Eve 2019.

Evaluation Methods and Results:

The OHSO New Year’s Eve campaign implemented Uber codes using an updated ad format from Facebook. We developed a canvas ad to raise awareness around the risks of drinking and driving with a specific focus on the dangers of New Year’s Eve. At the end of the ad the user would see a lead gen form they could fill out for an Uber code without ever leaving the platform. We also sent press releases to over 100 media outlets in the state of Oklahoma. Many of these stations hosted segments relaying the information for viewers to obtain Uber codes through our ENDUI website.

Our 2019 NYE Uber code form submission usage increased by 4,538% year-over-year based on the learnings we have uncovered since the first campaign.

Uber Code Form Submissions:

  • Canvas ad: 339
  • Other: 1,470
    • Total: 1,809


Ultimately, no one wants to be the person on either end of an impaired driving crash. By adding one more incentive to keep impaired drivers off the road, we are keeping an entire state safer.

Implications for research and/or practice:

By removing what is seemingly a small barrier in a behavior change process, it can yield large results that effect an even larger number of people. Behavior change can often sound like this massive movement that is sweeping the nation and will take a coalition of thousands to implement, but sometimes the simplest actions are the most effective.