Spotlight Session: Better Together: Collaborating and Communicating with Healthcare Workers to Improve Public Health Sponsored by RTI

Thursday, July 20, 2023: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Sponsored by RTI

Healthcare workers are both an important audience for and messenger of public health information. During the coronavirus pandemic, doctors and nurses were identified as the most trusted sources of information about the coronavirus. Communicating public health information to healthcare workers requires effectively identifying audiences, understanding their communication preferences, and creating content that is engaging, informative, and tailored to their needs and interests. In this session, we discuss strategies for communicating with healthcare workers. First, we explore the use of media advertising to increase engagement with healthcare workers, while delivering messages that are concise, relevant, and actionable. Second, we discuss how to create trainings that resonate with healthcare workers, delving into the role of audience insights in creating engaging and interactive content that is customized to meet their unique needs. Last, we will review how social media can be leveraged to educate and encourage healthcare workers to better engage and share information with patients. Health practitioners will learn strategies and best practices to apply to future outreach among healthcare workers.

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