Addressing Health Disparities for Communities of Color Through Community Integrated and Tailored Media and Health Communication Campaigns

Wednesday, July 19, 2023: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Centennial Ballroom III/IV (Hyatt Regency Downtown Atlanta)
Health education and communication are central components of effective action on public health issues, but it is not “one size fits all”. Providing health information in a way that is understood, digested, and actionable to a target population is important in addressing any health concern yet can be difficult to achieve. Health disparities, defined as differences in health outcomes or diseases that tend to be more common and/or more severe among vulnerable and underserved groups, undermine the ability of many communities across the globe to thrive and achieve their full social and economic potential. Given the many different factors that affect health outcomes among different groups and populations, the roots of health disparities are often community or group specific. To truly address health disparities, you need to work with the communities to identify and address issues starting at the roots to inform communication interventions, including public health campaigns. Within this context, several key factors contribute to the development of public health media and health communication campaigns that effectively engage communities of color. The panel of public health and marketing professionals will discuss examples of optimized engagement through culturally and linguistically tailored public health campaigns that incorporate strategic community integration in the development and vetting of content.

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