Health Equity in Practice: Applying a Health Equity Lens from Start to Finish in a Health Communication Effort

Friday, July 21, 2023: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Centennial Ballroom III/IV (Hyatt Regency Downtown Atlanta)
This panel addresses opportunities and challenges of applying a health equity lens to real-world health communication efforts. The purpose is to provide practitioners with approaches for and examples of applying a health equity lens and inclusive communication principles from start to finish, using the ubiquitous communication development process (i.e., environmental scanning, formative research and testing, product development, dissemination, and evaluation). Practitioners can help advance equity in public health by integrating health equity into each step of the process when trying to achieve goals. 1) Equity-focused environmental analysis: Assess the communication landscape starting with a laser focus on disproportionately impacted populations. In search parameters, incorporate key populations, related root causes, and social determinants. 2) Equity-centered formative research: Design and implement inclusive formative research and message testing activities that set health equity goals and prioritize key populations. Conduct meaningful listening, collecting data on factors important to key populations and using culturally appropriate tools and methodologies. 3) Inclusive product development: Apply inclusive and creative approaches like authentic storytelling that center the voices of those most impacted and acknowledge and feature them as a part of the solution. 4) Tailored and accessible dissemination: Targeted distribution and tailored dissemination strategies that enhance the reach, accessibility, and use of resources or evidence-based programs. Meeting audiences where they are with customized approaches that optimize the marketing mix and effectively share information across geographic locations, languages, and social or other networks. 5) Relevant evaluation: Plan and implement evaluations that prioritize understanding the impacts and outcomes of communication efforts specifically on key populations and prioritize using relevant findings to meaningfully improve materials for those populations.

Applying a Health Equity Lens from Start to Finish in a Health Communication Effort
Everett Long, PHD, MA, Brunet-García Advertising, a ForsMarsh Compnay; LeShaundra Cordier, MPH; Eduardo Sarmiento, BFA, Brunet-García Advertising; Lani Camacho, MBA, Brunet-García Advertising, a ForsMarsh Compnay

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